I'm excited to share my conversation on the state and future of ESG investing with Tim Massad. Tim's resume speaks for itself and we're grateful to have Tim as a friend of Ethic's and as one of our brilliant advisors.
I'm excited to share my conversation on the state and future of ESG investing with Tim Massad. Tim's resume is about as impressive as it comes, from his time as the Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, to that time he was tapped by President Obama to run the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
We're grateful to have Tim as a friend of Ethic's and as one of our brilliant advisors, guiding us through an ever changing ESG landscape.
This video includes an interview between Jay Lipman, President and co-founder of Ethic Inc. (“Ethic”), and Tim Massad, a strategic advisor to Ethic Inc. Massad receives compensation from Ethic for his services as a strategic advisor.
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