Bud Sturmak, head of impact investing and partner at Perigon Wealth Management, joins us for a discussion on approaching sustainable investing with clients.
Bud Sturmak, head of impact investing and partner at Perigon Wealth Management, joins us for a discussion on approaching sustainable investing with clients.
by Morgan du Plessix
In this episode of The Values Conversation, Relationship Manager Morgan du Plessix sits down with the head of impact investing at Perigon Wealth Management, Bud Sturmak, about how advisers can better demystify sustainable investing for their clients. Bud lends his insights into getting started, better integrating clients’ values into financial planning, and how Perigon and Ethic leverage their unique approaches in our partnership.
We turned to Bud for an exciting look forward into the future of impact investing and his insight into the advantages of getting started with sustainable investing right now.
- Communicate to clients that impact investing is about choice. Just as they choose which grocery store to shop at or which car to drive, they can invest in a way that aligns with their values. Once clients are made aware that personalization is an option, advisers can help them build a portfolio that reflects both their fiscal preferences and the impact they wish to see in the world.
- There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to impact investing. Bud notes that one of the challenges of selecting a mutual fund over a separately managed account strategy is that a client may not agree with a particular mutual fund manager’s value set or definition of impact. The latter strategy can allow for a more bespoke investment experience that more greatly aligns with individual values.
- Understand that the landscape has evolved for impact investors. Bud notes that advisers have greater access to better quality data, higher levels of corporate disclosure, and more accessible resources and tools than, say, ten years ago, making it easier to personalize portfolios than in the past.
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