Ethic cofounder Jay Lipman sits down with Laura Callanan, the founding partner of Upstart Co-Lab, and Stephen Satterfield, host of Netflix’s High on the Hog and founder of Whetstone Media, to chat about why investors should be looking to the creative economy as they consider impact investing opportunities.
Ethic cofounder Jay Lipman sits down with Laura Callanan, the founding partner of Upstart Co-Lab, and Stephen Satterfield, host of Netflix’s High on the Hog and founder of Whetstone Media, to chat about why investors should be looking to the creative economy as they consider impact investing opportunities.
The creative economy is a collection of 145 industries ranging from design to fashion to film production. Most of us interact with it in some form or another on a daily basis. But what could investors gain by approaching this economy as a new avenue for impact?
Upstart Co-Lab is a nonprofit that connects impact investors to creative entrepreneurs. The organization has identified the 145 industries that form the U.S. creative economy as a market recently valued at over $1 trillion by the National Endowment for the Arts. On this episode of In Conversation, Ethic co-founder Jay Lipman is joined by Laura Callanan, the founding partner of Upstart Co-Lab, and Stephen Satterfield, host of Netflix’s High on the Hog and founder of Whetstone Media, a company Upstart has connected to impact investors. They unpack how investors can move the needle on the creative industries they are passionate about.
Here are some main takeaways from their conversation:
- The creative economy rewards merit and originality, making it more accessible for entrepreneurs who are often overlooked and under-estimated is other segments of the economy. Businesses in the creative industries are often able to grow organically, which also benefits entrepreneurs who might struggle to access capital.
- Investing in the creative economy can contribute to a more sustainable future by reshaping narratives and redistributing narrative power. Changing the story can help to re-dressing societal power imbalances.
- The creative economy is ripe with investable opportunities, and benefits from the engagement of impact investors who value diversity, authenticity, and sustainability in the products they buy, their experiences they share and the entertainment they enjoy.
Disclosure: Creative economy impact investing opportunities may involve various risks unique to these types of investments. Some client portfolios include holdings in Netflix and securities that may be considered part of the creative economy. The content provided here, including any content specifically mentioning Netflix, is for informational purposes only and is not intended as investment advice.
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