Ethic co-founder Jay Lipman sits down with the CEO of UNICEF USA Michael Nyenhuis to spotlight the multifaceted strategies employed by UNICEF to protect and advocate for the rights of children globally.
Ethic co-founder Jay Lipman sits down with the CEO of UNICEF USA Michael Nyenhuis to spotlight strategies to protect and advocate for the rights of children globally.
by Jay Lipman
How can impact-minded businesses move the needle on children’s rights? In this episode of The Values Conversation, our co-founder Jay Lipman is joined by the CEO of UNICEF USA Michael Nyenhuis for a discussion on the leverage companies can have on the welfare of children around the world.
From innovative financial mechanisms to collaborative efforts with businesses, here are the main takeaways from their chat:
- Holistic Approach to Impact: UNICEF recognizes that philanthropy alone cannot meet the needs of children worldwide. With this in mind, UNICEF USA’s Impact Fund for Children released the Child-Lens Investment Framework (CLIF) in collaboration with the UNICEF Innovation Hub and impact investment consultant Tideline. CLIF aims to simplify the process of directing capital toward improving outcomes for children.
- Considering Business as a Catalyst for Change: Michael emphasized the significant influence companies can have on children through their products, services, and policies. UNICEF's Child Rights and Business program works with companies to help them understand and adapt their practices, emphasizing the business imperative of protecting and enshrining the rights of children.
- The Power of Storytelling and Impact Reporting: Jay and Michael highlighted the importance of combining data-driven impact reporting with compelling stories. While data appeals to the head, stories connect with the heart. By showcasing real-life examples alongside statistics backed by rigorous research methods, leaders of impact-focused organizations, like Jay and Michael, can more effectively communicate the tangible results of their work to donors and investors.
In essence, UNICEF's approach aims to go beyond immediate humanitarian response by focusing on long-term development and systemic change. By engaging with businesses, utilizing innovative financial mechanisms, and telling impactful stories, impact-focused organizations and companies may drive positive change for children around the world.
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