Nature is the bedrock of our daily lives, our connection to one another, and our economy. Ethic’s Head of Nature Investing David Sternlicht provides insight into the risks of not investing in its conservation.
Nature is the bedrock of our daily lives, our connection to one another, and our economy. Ethic’s Head of Nature Investing David Sternlicht provides insight into the risks of not investing in its conservation.
There is tremendous economic value in maintaining a healthy biosphere. Nature is not merely a backdrop to human existence but the very foundation upon which our economy rests. The World Economic Forum estimates that around half of global GDP – $44 trillion– depends on nature.
Given the extent to which nature is interwoven into our existence, this is likely an underestimate. Industries like agriculture, fisheries, construction, and travel and tourism would lose trillions of dollars in value without pollinators and healthy oceans, while the social destabilization that food system collapse could trigger is immeasurable. Stabilizing the biosphere is not only an existential imperative, but clearly also in our economic self-interest.
On this episode of Valuing Nature, Head of Nature Investing David Sternlicht breaks down the “why” of nature investing, what we stand to lose if we don’t mobilize capital, and how our team believes we can flip the script on humanity’s relationship with nature.
Here are some main takeaways from this episode:
- The health of bee and butterfly populations impacts our economy. Pollinator loss puts $577 billion in annual global crop production at risk.
- Wetlands are not only beautiful places to visit and home to a range of species but also provide protection from economic loss during storm surges. A recent study estimated that property damage from 2017’s Hurricane Irma would have been reduced by $430 million if Florida had not lost just 500 square kilometers of wetlands between 1996 and 2010. That’s just 0.3% of Florida’s land area.
- Let’s talk about the Blue Economy – yes, healthy oceans regulate our climate, generate oxygen, and feed us, but they also provide tremendous economic value. The market value of marine and coastal resources and industries is estimated to be US $3 trillion per year. That’s a whopping 5% of our global GDP.
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