Team Insights on the Expanded Ethic
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
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Team Insights on the Expanded Ethic
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
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March 2024
Team Insights on the Expanded Ethic
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Built hand-in-hand with our community, our revamped offering bakes in personalization from the ground up. Voices from across our team weigh in on how our expanded suite can help our clients grow their business.

Optimizing investments for tax, impact, and financial goals, managing reporting across different asset classes, connecting with clients with new stories around their impact – our team knows that’s a lot to take on. In fact, we’ve spent eight years working with hundreds of advisors seeking to make values-aligned, sustainable investing a core part of their business. So, built with our community, our revamped offering bakes in personalization from the ground up. That’s why we have come together to create a new and improved Ethic platform to help advisors engage clients, manage investments, and deliver insights and expertise.

Today, voices from across our team weigh in on how our expanded suite can help our clients grow their business. Check out these insights from Alex Laipple (chief growth officer), Corinne Merriman (associate director, Relationship Management), and André Morgan (technology fellow, Front End Engineering). 

What element of our relaunch excites you the most?

Alex: The collaboration that went into it internally just makes me proud of every team here at Ethic. For our clients, I'm excited that we took so much feedback directly from them. So we can really say this is a relaunch built by our clients for our clients. 

Corinne: I know people hate change – but there are so many things that excite me about the relaunch! We talk to our advisors all the time about how values-aligned investing is personalized investing for their clients. But now we’re trying to make the process of working with us personalized for our clients, the advisors, too! We’re trying to make it even easier for the advisor to do the thing that they want to do rather than always have the platform look exactly the same each time they log on. Many other asset managers only engage with investment teams, but Ethic is a partner throughout the organization: executives, investment research team, client service, and, of course, wealth advisors. The platform will be better suited to all audiences rather than one size fits all.

André: It’s tough picking a favorite from this lot of goodies. I’m especially excited about the Client Experience Platform. Giving advisors self-service tools to explore personalized solutions with clients and prospects facilitates deeper relationships both with their clients and with Ethic. It’s exciting to begin giving advisors more direct access to the power of our system. I think they’ll find it very useful.

How do you think this could help our clients grow their business?

Alex: The key to this relaunch is that our platform can empower advisors to better understand what their clients and prospects care about. As a result, they can build deeper connections across the households that they serve.


Corinne: We’re seeking to equip advisors with data, analytics, and prompts that support prospecting and growth. There’s a new workflow and Take Action piece under the Prospect Lifecycle. We understand that sometimes new client onboarding moves very quickly. But for many of our clients, their prospect-to-client onboarding takes three to five meetings over the course of weeks or months before they actually see a client invest. It’ll be more helpful when they log back on to remind them where they left off, ask for an analysis refresh if they need it, and encourage them to move the client to the next step. All of this will allow the advisor’s pitch with Ethic to be cleaner and faster. There’s a lot that goes into an advisor onboarding a new client, and Ethic is just one piece of that.

André: I think that the components of this release are a package of complementary capabilities that work well together for both increasing engagement and delivering on the findings that develop through these engagements. The Client Experience Platform will lead to more personalized portfolio solutions being cranked out, and One Portfolio makes managing those complex multi-asset and tax sensitive scenarios more efficient and effective. It's nice to get these delivered to advisors together. With this, Ethic becomes a more powerful extension of their business, enabling them to have outsized impact with their clients.

Given the changes Ethic has introduced, where do you see us having the biggest impact going forward?

Alex: For our advisors, it can be a strong catalyst for prospecting and winning new business. For investment teams at our existing clients, it will power a stronger investment experience when working with us. 

Corinne: We’ve heard this from our clients in the past – advisors worry that adding an SMA manager, a personal values exploration, and personalized portfolio adds too much time to the otherwise lengthy discovery process of onboarding a new client. However, the biggest impact you’ll see us having going forward – not just with our platform refresh but with other launches coming soon – will be breaking down those barriers. So much of what we’re focused on in 2024 is helping the advisor grow their business more efficiently and scalably. We’re aiming to save time, so they can spend more time with clients and on meaningful conversations. 

André: Hard to say where the biggest impact will be. I see One Portfolio as a huge deal because of the operational efficiency and traceability it brings to complex accounts. It'll probably end up being a hero in the background though. The biggest obvious impact is likely to come from the Client Experience Platform. The much more powerful prospecting experience coupled with the Education & Marketing Platform will help advisors introduce new possibilities to clients in a very real and exciting way. It's empowering to have increasingly personalized control over how your monetary power is put to use in your life and in the world. I think most people would want this if they knew they could have it.

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Sources and footnotes

Ethic Inc. is a Registered Investment Adviser located in New York, NY. Registration of an investment adviser does not imply any level of skill or training. Information pertaining to Ethic Inc’s registration or to obtain a copy of Ethic Inc.’s current written disclosure statement discussing Ethic Inc.’s business operations, services and fees is available on the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Information website – or from Ethic Inc. upon written request at Information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Any subsequent, direct communication by Ethic Inc. with a prospective client shall be conducted by a representative of Ethic Inc. that is either registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration in the state where a prospective client resides. Information contained herein may be carefully compiled from third-party sources that Ethic Inc. believes to be reliable, but Ethic Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy of any third-party information.

Ethic Inc. does not render any legal, accounting, or tax advice. Ethic Inc. recommends all investors seek the services of competent professionals in any of the aforementioned areas. Ethic Inc. cannot provide any assurances that any investment strategies, simulations, etc. will perform as described in our materials. ALL INVESTMENTS INVOLVE RISK, ARE NOT GUARANTEED, AND MAY LOSE VALUE. BE SURE TO FIRST CONSULT WITH A QUALIFIED FINANCIAL ADVISER AND/OR TAX PROFESSIONAL BEFORE IMPLEMENTING ANY STRATEGY.


Alex Laipple is originally from Pittsburgh, PA, now living in New Jersey with wife Meghan and his  four daughters Charlotte, Ruthie, Quinn, and Ellie. Alex has over 15 years’ experience in Business Development and Growth roles within start-ups and asset management firms.

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