One of the most powerful mechanisms we have to address systemic racism is our wallet. For starters, there are various organizations focused on the issue, but, it’s also crucial to understand how certain industries profit from systemic racial injustice, and whether or not they're in your portfolio. This video covers several players that have a profound impact on exacerbating racial inequality in America.
Donating. Spending. Investing. One of the most powerful mechanisms we have to address systemic racism is our wallet. For starters, there are various organizations focused on the issue (linked below). But, it’s also crucial to understand how certain industries actually profit from systemic racial injustice, and whether or not they're in your portfolio. The below video covers several players, namely private prisons, predatory lenders and polluters, that have a profound impact on exacerbating racial inequality in America.
If you are interested, here are some organizations to consider:
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