Ethic's Statement on Ukraine
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Ethic's Statement on Ukraine
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
March 2022
A more in depth exploration of key sustainability topics
Ethic's Statement on Ukraine

Ethic stands in strong support of the Ukrainian people amid the Russian invasion of their sovereign nation. This act of aggression poses a grave threat to peace, democracy, and fundamental human rights in Europe and beyond.  

As we recognize the global implications of this crisis, its effects hit close to home: four of Ethic’s brilliant, creative software engineers reside in Ukraine. Each is a valued and integral member of our team, and we are committed to supporting them by whatever means possible at this unimaginable time. We remain in frequent communication with our team in Ukraine and are encouraging them to take whatever time they need in order to prioritize their safety and wellbeing and that of their families. In addition, we are poised to provide them with further support as they navigate this turbulent situation. 

Our work at Ethic is driven by a desire to foster a more peaceful, prosperous future for people and the planet. In an effort to support humanitarian efforts on the ground in Ukraine, Ethic has provided a charitable donation to Direct Relief. This 501(c)(3) organization, which has been supplying aid and medical items to healthcare providers throughout Ukraine, has received top marks from independent rating agency Charity Navigator for its financial transparency and accountability.

Further, we have made a donation to Voices of Children, a Ukraine-based aid organization that provides psychological support to children suffering the devastating effects of war. After all, armed conflicts too often place an untold burden on innocent civilians—Voices of Children works to heal the invisible wounds inflicted on some of war’s most vulnerable victims.  

We are hopeful for a rapid and peaceful resolution to this conflict that restores freedoms to the people of Ukraine. In the meantime, we recognize the need to mobilize our collective resources and hope you will join us in supporting those affected by these tragic events. 

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