Our hearts are heavy for our friends and families in Australia affected by the devastating wildfires. It’s easy to feel helpless during disasters like these, but if you’d like to donate to support relief efforts, we’ve compiled a reputable list of charities and support groups to aid in animal care and community support. (Image from NSW Rural Fire Service)
Our hearts are heavy for our friends and families in Australia affected by the devastating wildfires. It’s easy to feel helpless during disasters like these, but if you’d like to donate to support relief efforts, we’ve compiled a reputable list of charities and support groups to aid in animal care and community support. Our CEO Doug Scott shared a message with us from Melbourne, Australia.
Ways to support

Red Cross
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Parts of Australia are experiencing unprecedented bushfire activity.Since July 2019, Red Cross teams have responded to 30 emergencies (some of which have been going for up to 6 weeks) and supported over 18,600 people, through the efforts of more than 1,590 volunteers and staff.
Our Register.Find.Reunite service, which reunifies people who have been separated in the bushfire emergency, has registered over 30,000 people and taken more than 5,000 enquires.

Salvation Army
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Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) teams are responding to devastating bushfires around Australia as an unprecedented number of emergency-level fires cause tragic loss of life and property.

Foodbank Australia
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Foodbank is Australia’s largest food relief organisation, operating on a scale that makes it crucial to the work of the front line charities that are feeding vulnerable Australians. Foodbank provides 77 million meals a year (210,000 meals a day) to more than 2,600 charities around the country, accounting for 79% of all food received by charities from food rescue organisations.

Vincent de Paul Society
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The St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia has more than 60,000 members and volunteers, who work hard to assist people in need and combat social injustice across Australia. Internationally, the Society operates in 153 countries and has over 800,000 members.
Wildlife donations

WIRES (Australian Wildlife Rescue Organization)
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Horrific unrelenting fires continue to decimate NSW during one of the worst droughts in history. During the catastrophic fires, lives have been lost, hundreds of homes have been lost, over 4.9 million hectares of land has been destroyed and dozens of fires are still burning. In December alone WIRES 1300 line received over 20,000 calls and volunteers attended over 3,300 rescues.

Port Macquarie Koala Hospital
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The Koala Hospital established in 1973 is an activity of the Koala Conservation Australia Incorporated - a Not-for-Profit Organisation which is recognised world-wide as a peak body which participates in forums for debate on significant policy issues and plays a significant leadership role in research, providing advice and information to Universities and Governments regulating change.

Adelaide & Hills Koala Rescue
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Adelaide and Hills Koala Rescue is the largest group of experienced and dedicated Volunteer Koala Carers and Rescuers in South Australia. Adelaide and Hills Koala Rescue is not-for-profit organization, volunteer-run koala rescue organization. We started our operation in August of 2019. Our volunteers are the most experienced Koala carers in South Australia with over 10 years industry experience. We also have experienced koala vets and SAVEM- (South Australia Veterinary Emergency Management) permitted individuals. We operate 24/7, and our mantra is, “rescue, rehabilitate, and release.”
Australian Fire services
New South Wales Fire service
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The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) is the lead combat agency for bush fires in NSW. For over 100 years we have been a significant part of the history and landscape of NSW. Working closely with other agencies we respond to a range of emergencies including structure fires, motor vehicle accidents and storms that occur within rural fire districts.
South Australian Country Fire Service
The CFS Foundation was formed in 2001, and its purpose is to provide immediate financial support to CFS volunteer fire-fighters and their families in the event of death, injury or loss of property while engaging in their community service.
Victorian Country Fire Authority
The Country Fire Authority (CFA) is one of the world's largest, and most highly regarded community based emergency services organisations. We respond to fire and other emergencies 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whilst our firefighters are the cornerstone of CFA services, what goes on behind the scenes is just as important in helping to protect lives and property.
QLD Fire and Rescue
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) was established as a department on 1 November 2013 under the Public Service Act 2008. QFES reports to the Minister for Fire and Emergency Services. QFES is the primary provider of fire and rescue, emergency management and disaster mitigation programs and services throughout Queensland, and includes Fire and Rescue, Rural Fire Service (RFS) and the State Emergency Service (SES).
Western Australia
The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) was established on 1 November 2012 and performs a critical role coordinating emergency services for a range of natural disasters and emergency incidents threatening life and property. It comprises more than 1600 operational personnel and corporate staff members. It also has an extensive network of more than 27,000 volunteers engaged in the delivery of services to the community.
Tasmania Fire Service
The Tasmania Fire Service (TFS), the operational arm of the State Fire Commission, was created in 1979 through the amalgamation of the State Fire Authority, the Rural Fires Board and 22 urban fire brigade boards.
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