15 Minutes With Ellevest: Climate Change as a Women’s Rights Issue
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
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15 Minutes With Ellevest: Climate Change as a Women’s Rights Issue
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
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July 2024
15 Minutes With Ellevest: Climate Change as a Women’s Rights Issue
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Exploring the intersection of climate change and women’s rights issues with Ellevest’s Emily Green - and why investors should take note. 

by Amanda Baker

In this installation of 15 Minutes With, Relationship Manager Amanda Baker sits down with Emily Green, head of wealth management at Ellevest, to explore the intersection of climate change and gender. While women's equity and climate are often approached as separate issues, there is a direct benefit for women in taking a more holistic approach. Emily and Amanda dig into the disproportionate impact of climate crises on women and how Ellevest and Ethic work together to support investors interested in tackling these issues. 

Here are some key takeaways from their conversation:

  • Climate’s Disproportionate Impact on Women: With an estimated 80% of climate-displaced individuals expected to be women and girls, climate is not only an environmental problem but also a gender equity issue.
  • Investors Can Take a Holistic Approach: Many women-centered investment strategies examine the number of women in C-suite positions. While that’s a fine place to start, looking at how companies impact public health, reproductive access, education, and climate can give investors a broader perspective on how their portfolios impact women. Shifting the lens to viewing climate change as a women's rights issue can encourage more comprehensive investment strategies that can support women beyond the boardroom.
  • A Climate-Conscious Strategy: Ellevest, in partnership with Ethic, supports investors through the Climate-Conscious Impact Strategy, which invests in companies committed to advancing environmental sustainability and transparency, offering a way to invest for a cleaner planet AND women’s equity while aiming for market returns.

Amanda B: Some investors think of climate change as a purely environmental issue, but it’s also a social one that disproportionately affects many disadvantaged communities. Why do you feel that climate change should be on the radar of investors who are passionate about women’s rights?

Emily G: There are many climate-related issues that disproportionately affect women today, and this will continue in the future. For example, an estimated 4 out of 5 people displaced by the impacts of climate change are expected to be women and girls, according to the UN. This is largely due to women’s limited resources compared to men (a.k.a. money); this means that they have less means to move to avoid climate disasters where they live. 

Amanda B: What are the benefits for investors in viewing climate as a women’s rights issue? How could it shift their approach to impact?

Emily G: We like to look at issues holistically at Ellevest. If we only think of women’s issues as who is in the C-Suite of the Fortune 500, then, yes, we are changing the faces of leaders and changing who girls see in leadership positions, but this is only a small part of the set of issues that disproportionately affect women.

Amanda B: How does Ellevest support investors in tackling the climate issues that impact women the most through their partnership with Ethic?

Emily G: Investing in companies that have tangibly committed to environmental sustainability is also a good move from a business perspective. Built with the help of our partners at Ethic and designed to reward genuine environmental transparency, the Ellevest Climate-Conscious Impact Strategy is a environmentally focused public equity portfolio that gives clients a powerful way to invest for a cleaner planet by actively screening out companies whose business practices don’t meet our standards for environmental stewardship, all while still seeking market returns.

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Amanda Baker graduated from Tufts University with a B.S. in Environmental Engineering and minors in engineering management and child development. Amanda worked at Goldman Sachs for two years in physical commodities before joining Ethic.

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