Ethic TV
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Day before
The Best Day to Solve Climate Change
What is Greenwashing? The Surprising History and Murky Future
No, it's not using money as soap. Join Jay Lipman in Day Before Tomorrow as we explore the dirtiest word in Climate Change.
The Earth is an Overflowing Bathtub. Are Offsets the Drain?
Carbon offsets could help bail earth out or quietly drown us. Here's how to separate effective offsets from junk ones.
Should Nature have a Price tag?
Everybody bloody loves nature. But if we really value it, why not give it a price tag? We break down the economic argument for investing in nature...
Rivers Used to Catch Fire... And Could Again.
We look at the landmark law that cleaned up America's waterways and the current case that could gut the Clean Water Act.
Our Sweet Savior! These Machines Could Save Us All.
What if we told you that heat pumps could be the solution to both the energy crisis AND the cost of living crisis?
Will Climate Change Swamp Florida's Economy?
We look back at the hurricane that almost tanked Florida's home insurance industry, and look ahead at what might be coming for the Sunshine State.
Educating and Informing on the Climate Crisis w/ Rollie Williams
Rollie Williams, host and creator of the hit series Climate Town, joins Jay in Day Before Tomorrow for a discussion on telling jokes that entertain and inform about the very real issues of climate change.
Empowering Generation Climate w/ Kristy Drutman
Kristy Drutman (Green Jobs Board) joins Jay in the studio for a chat on the value of diversity in climate conversations and her own journey as a climate communicator.